To Die for Love Are you prepared to “die for love”? It’s a romantic cliché, of course, but today is the traditional feast of a martyr who did die for love, literally. I discuss the story of 3rd Century Saint and Martyr St. Valentine in greater detail in “St. Valentine, Patron of Agape.” One thing is clear from … Continue reading To Die For Love: St. Valentine and “He Shall Feed His Flock”
Pierced by a Sword: The Presentation
In the end, the glory of Christmas and the sword of Good Friday come together on Easter Sunday. Redemption comes only from the light shining through the darkness of suffering. We catch a glimpse of that Paradox of Pain in the Feast of Presentation.
Holst’s Nunc Dimittis: Music for the Presentation
Nunc Dimittis Nunc Dimittis is one of my favorite compositions by the early 20th century composer Gustav Holst. Since tomorrow is the Feast of the Presentation, this seems a fine time to share a video I put together a few years ago. It combines a mesmerizing performance of Holst's piece with Caravaggio's painting of the … Continue reading Holst’s Nunc Dimittis: Music for the Presentation
The Bigger They Come: The Coversion of St. Paul
“The bigger they come, the harder they fall.” How many times have we seen that the more formidable the opponent, the more dramatic the impact when he comes crashing down?
The Manifestation of the Lord: Epiphany
It is so very difficult for all of us to grasp the reality of the Incarnation that even the human parents of The Lord seem to struggle with it. And who could hope to have faith equal to theirs?
The Christmas Tree Points to Christ: 12th Day of Christmas
Unfortunately, self-styled debunkers sometimes attack the Christmas Tree (erroneously) as a pagan intrusion. We Christians need not be swayed by such nonsense.
Christmas Bells – The Wrong Shall Fail, The Right Prevail: 11th Day of Christmas
As he himself struggles with profound sorrow in the midst of our most festive season, Longfellow juxtaposes the joyful ringing of bells in “The belfries of all Christendom” to the manifest lack of peace among men
Let the Children: St. Genevieve and the 10th Day of Christmas
What did not change was the absolute trust she had in Jesus Christ. This held firm from her first vow as a seven year old until her death more than eight decades later.
God’s Ways are not Our Ways: 9th Day of Christmas
Ours is a God indeed whose thoughts are not our thoughts, whose ways are not our ways: he constantly confounds our expectations. This is not the Grand Entrance any of us would have devised for God Made Manifest.
One of Us: Solemnity of Mary
Through the Motherhood of Mary, Jesus, that is to say God, takes on our humanity in an utterly tangible, direct and personal way.