Newspeak and the Word of God

If you want to change the Church, if you want to change the beliefs that have animated Christians for two millennia, you need to take away the concrete images, the traditional words, and the familiar actions that embody the traditional understanding of the faith. 

The End Point of Progressive Christianity

Where there is no prophecy the people cast off restraint,but blessed is he who keeps the law.   (Proverbs 29:18)        We're not cats, bats, or moray eels, as I pointed out in a recent post.  "We humans are different.  We are, again, unique among the world’s creatures.  We’re not governed by instinct, we alone can make free choices about how … Continue reading The End Point of Progressive Christianity

Finding the Future in the Past: Why The Latin Mass is not Going Away

     The scene is a parish church.  A congregation has assembled for Sunday Mass. The opening hymn begins with a grand flourish.  The celebrant processes into the church amid alleluias and mighty blasts from the organ. We reach a mini-climax.  The music ends. Then, there is a moment of silence while the celebrant adjusts his microphone. He smiles.  And what … Continue reading Finding the Future in the Past: Why The Latin Mass is not Going Away