Since tomorrow is the Feast of the Presentation, Holst's "Nunc Dimittis" is an appropriate selection for Music Monday, here with Caravaggio's powerful depiction of "The Presentation" as the backdrop . "Nunc Dimittis" is the Latin name for the prayer the old man Simeon says when he picks up the Christ Child in the temple. It has … Continue reading Music for the Presentation of Our Lord: Holst’s “Nunc Dimittis”
Ave Verum Corpus – W.A. Mozart
Ave Verum Corpus ("Hail, True Body") is a brief chant composed in the 13th century as a meditation on the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist (I've posted the words, In both Latin and English, under the clip below). It has traditionally been sung during the elevation of the Host at Mass. Numerous composers … Continue reading Ave Verum Corpus – W.A. Mozart