To Die For Love: St. Valentine and “He Shall Feed His Flock”

To Die for Love Are you prepared to “die for love”?  It’s a romantic cliché, of course, but today is the traditional feast of a martyr who did die for love, literally.  I discuss the story of 3rd Century Saint and Martyr St. Valentine in greater detail in “St. Valentine, Patron of Agape.”      One thing is clear from … Continue reading To Die For Love: St. Valentine and “He Shall Feed His Flock”

The Drama of Sin and Repentance (or not) From Mozart’s Don Giovanni (Music Monday)

Hell is a real possibility for all of us.  It's not a happy thought, but it's an appropriate introduction to today's Music Monday selection, our last musical offering before Ash Wednesday.  It's not really sacred music, but it is very relevant indeed to the Lenten themes of sin, repentance (or not), and damnation.  This is the finale* of Mozart's opera Don Giovanni (a.k.a. Don Juan), one of the most powerful scenes in the history of musical drama.