Things Old and New: Berthier’s “Laudate Dominum”

Jacques Berthier      The Twentieth Century is known for many things, but beautiful art, whether in the visual arts or music, is not one of them.  There are nonetheless some lovely creations hidden among the experimental and the transgressive and the deconstructed offerings cluttering the past century.  You can hear one of those sparks of beauty in the … Continue reading Things Old and New: Berthier’s “Laudate Dominum”

For Such A Time As This: Powers, Principalities & The Culture Wars

The Culture Wars      I really don't want to be a culture warrior.  I'm willing to bet that you probably don't want to be one, either.  It seems, however, that there's no hiding from the escalating clash of Weltanschauungen that's invading every corner of our culture. Formerly neutral spaces, from bakeries to professional sports, have become battle fields. … Continue reading For Such A Time As This: Powers, Principalities & The Culture Wars