What a fool I was - when the Berlin Wall fell forty years ago, I naively thought that the apotheosis of the state into totalitarian forms of government was fully and finally exposed as an inhuman, deadly fraud. In my innocence, I was sure that all such attempts to put the minutiae of every individual's … Continue reading Christ is King of the Universe . . . and our hearts
Things Old and New: Berthier’s “Laudate Dominum”
Jacques Berthier The Twentieth Century is known for many things, but beautiful art, whether in the visual arts or music, is not one of them. There are nonetheless some lovely creations hidden among the experimental and the transgressive and the deconstructed offerings cluttering the past century. You can hear one of those sparks of beauty in the … Continue reading Things Old and New: Berthier’s “Laudate Dominum”
Christ is King of All . . . Even The Holidays
Christ is King of All We know that Christ is "King of All," but do we know what that means? So Paul, standing in the middle of the Areopagus, said: “Men of Athens, I perceive that in every way you are very religious. For as I passed along, and observed the objects of your worship, I … Continue reading Christ is King of All . . . Even The Holidays
For Such A Time As This: Powers, Principalities & The Culture Wars
The Culture Wars I really don't want to be a culture warrior. I'm willing to bet that you probably don't want to be one, either. It seems, however, that there's no hiding from the escalating clash of Weltanschauungen that's invading every corner of our culture. Formerly neutral spaces, from bakeries to professional sports, have become battle fields. … Continue reading For Such A Time As This: Powers, Principalities & The Culture Wars
Keep the “Hallowed” in Halloween
We have forgotten Christ’s Victory, and so are left with only Death and Corruption, apparently unchallenged. A society that celebrates death and corruption for its own sake is, I submit, a society in deep, deep trouble.
Put Not Your Trust in Princes, or, The Autumn of Our Discontent
"My kingdom is not of this world," Jesus says to Pontius Pilate (John 18:36). Our journey to that kingdom lies along a via dolorosa in this one: we can depend upon the powers of this world to save us no more than Jesus could rely on Pilate to save him from Calvary.
St. Thérèse of Lisieux, Spiritual Warrior
St. Ignatius urges us to “Find God in All Things”, which is one of the major themes of his Spiritual Exercises and Ignatian Spirituality in general. St. Thérèse, it seems to me, takes that a step further and asks us to then serve God in all things.
Archangels, St. Jerome, Morality, And God’s Law
Parker finds fault with both the Statists on the left and the Libertarians on the right who see the government per se as the issue, as if adding more government or radically cutting it will alone solve our social problems. No, “you can’t have a free society that is not also a virtuous society”
Vittoria Aleotti: Io v’amo vita mia
The claim that Christianity has historically been used as weapon against women, a tool to keep them down, is a falsehood, a smear against the Church. The charge misses the point, first of all, because Christ didn't come to offer anyone advancement in this world, but to draw all of us, women and men alike, deeper into … Continue reading Vittoria Aleotti: Io v’amo vita mia
Why Would You Want Satan As A Mascot?
In their case the god of this world [the Devil] has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the likeness of God. (2 Corinthians 4:4) I don't watch professional sports these days, as their main appeal was always as a … Continue reading Why Would You Want Satan As A Mascot?