Something Strange Something strange is happening—there is a great silence on earth today, a great silence and stillness. The whole earth keeps silence because the King is asleep. These are the opening sentences in the non-scriptural reading in today’s Office of Readings. The author, it seems, is unknown. The liturgy simply tells us that it is … Continue reading Something Strange is Happening – Holy Saturday
Is it I, Lord? – Good Friday
Is it I, Lord? It seems all too easy for us sometimes to see the Apostles, in their bumbling humanity, as almost comic figures. They certainly don’t appear too dignified, for instance, when they argue over which one of them is greatest (Luke 22:24, Mark 9:33, etc.); they look almost like clamoring children, who are clearly … Continue reading Is it I, Lord? – Good Friday
Legions of Angels, the Adulteress, and Christ’s Sacrifice
"Do you think that I cannot appeal to my Father, and he will at once send me more than twelve legions of angels? But how then should the scriptures be fulfilled, that it must be so?" (Matthew 46: 53-54) Legions of Angels Many Years ago I taught in a (more or less) Catholic high school. … Continue reading Legions of Angels, the Adulteress, and Christ’s Sacrifice
Is it I, Lord? (Good Friday)
When Jesus says to them, "You will all fall away” (Matthew 26:31), he’s not speaking only to his Apostles, but to all of us who have been his disciples in the millennia since, as well as all those in the years to come.
Christ Came To Serve (Holy Thursday)
When he takes on the servile task of washing the Apostles’ feet, Jesus doesn’t simply speak but acts out his message, in the manner of an Old Testament prophet. He is showing the Apostles through his example that the purpose of their office is to serve, and not to exalt themselves.