Introibo ad altare Dei ad Deum qui laetificat iuventutem meam. "I will go up to the altar of God, to God who makes joyful my youth" - Psalm 43:4 There is a well-known story about Canute, King of England and much of Scandinavia in the 11th century, who wanted to illustrate insignificance of human authority: … Continue reading A Hand Slap to the Traditional Latin Mass
What Do We Do When Our Priest Is A Communist? (Part II)
Our culture has become toxic, and it is actively hostile to Christian belief and practice. Not only that, the toxicity has infected a large part of the institutional Church. What can we do if leaving the Catholic Church itself is not an option?
What Do We Do When Our Priest Is A Communist? (Part I)
"Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life" (John 6:68) Your parish priest? We live in scary times. It looks like our secular institutions in the West are collapsing, to be replaced by mob rule (which really means, as always, a tyranny of the elite who manipulate the mob). More frightening still … Continue reading What Do We Do When Our Priest Is A Communist? (Part I)