“The Way” To Where, Exactly?

Beware of anyone whose key concept is power. It's not a problem just for "other people". Each one of us has our own little "Synodal Way" inside of us. We all have a desire to make our judgments the final word in questions of theology, church governance, and most especially, morals. We want to eat of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil: we think we can be like God.

The Christian Cannot Live Without the Eucharist

We need the Eucharist. The Second Person of the Trinity did not simply become man: He suffered as man, died, and was resurrected as man, so that He could share his Divine Life with us. The primary, tangible means with which he does that in this world is through the Holy Eucharist . . . that's why the early martyrs told their Roman persecutors, "The Christian cannot live without the Eucharist", that's why St. Tarcisius gave his life protecting the consecrated Body and Blood of Christ.