Who would have guessed that despite the millions murdered and starved in the 20th century, and the manifest failure of every single attempt to invest god-like power into human governance, the totalitarian impulse would still hold such appeal, even growing appeal, in the third decade of the 21st century?
The Church Militant, Spiritual Warfare, and St. Equitius
The Church Militant The Church Militant means our Church, here and now. There’s a battle raging, and we’re all part of it, like it or not. The growing intensity of the Culture War that’s engulfing our society is just a surface manifestation. The real war has been underway since Satan was cast out of Heaven. In … Continue reading The Church Militant, Spiritual Warfare, and St. Equitius
On the Roster: Death and Hope
On the Roster Stop me if you’ve heard this one. There were two elderly men, Bill and Steve. They were devout Catholics who also had a life-long love of the game of baseball. They played together when they were young and coached their sons’ teams later in life. In their old age they avidly watched games together. Eventually, … Continue reading On the Roster: Death and Hope
God’s Strong Hand and The Presentation
God's Strong Hand 2 February 2023 The Presentation, by Hans Holbein the Elder. c. 1500 The Presentation Today in the secular world (at least in the United States) we observe the venerable tradition of Groundhog Day. This event involves allowing an earth-dwelling rodent to forecast our weather for the next few weeks. It's just a fun … Continue reading God’s Strong Hand and The Presentation
A Sin is a Sin: St. Thomas and Conscience
In other words, a sin is a sin is a sin, and whatever we may think, it’s still a sin. As Catholics, we have ample means of knowing the Moral Law, and therefore have no excuse for disobeying it.
We Three Kings: Music for Epiphany
"We Three Kings of Orient Are . . ." Is there anyone out there who doesn't know this song? It's easily the most familiar hymn associated with Epiphany, at least as we celebrate the feast in the Western Church.
7th Day of Christmas – Christmas is Just Beginning
Mystic Nativity, by Sandro Botticelli, 1500 Are You Sure It's Just Beginning? Just beginning? Does it seem like it's just beginning . . . ? Some images never fade. I have a vivid memory of a Christmas years ago, shortly after my return to the Faith. The Christmas tree was literally hurled through the front … Continue reading 7th Day of Christmas – Christmas is Just Beginning
A Thorny Problem: the Body and Blood of Christ
A Thorny Problem A thorny problem indeed. It’s so hard for us truly to accept that the Infinite God of the Universe could fully inhabit a human body, and be both True God and True Man. I was often reminded of just how thorny a problem this is for us when I used to … Continue reading A Thorny Problem: the Body and Blood of Christ
Mozart Makes The Gloria Soar
Angels Announcing the Birth of Christ to the Shepherds, by Govert Flinck, 1639 The Gloria The Gloria starts with "Glory to God in the highest . . ." If you frequent the Catholic Mass, you know this prayer. You've heard it hundreds of times, maybe thousands. But how much do you know about it? Or have you ever … Continue reading Mozart Makes The Gloria Soar
Sacred Music: Allegri’s Adoremus in Aeternum
Sacred music is a topic near and dear to my hear. More importantly, it is dear to the heart of the Church. Consider what the Second Vatican Council had to say . . .