Human Trafficking, Love & St. Vitalis 11 Jan 2023 1st century Roman mosaic; Kunsthistorisches Museum / Public Domain When a man dies, his life is revealed. Call no man happy before his death, for by how he ends a man is known. (Sirach 11:27-28) Human Trafficking Prostitution sometimes hides under the phrase "the world's oldest profession." … Continue reading Human Trafficking, Love & St. Vitalis
2nd Day of Christmas – St. Stephen and the Incarnation
We need to embrace the Gospel in its entirety. The joy of the Nativity leads to the sorrow of Cavalry, which itself prepares the way for the still greater glory of Easter.
St. Catherine of Alexandria, Patroness of Modern Women
St. Catherine of Alexandria has a lot to say to such a world as ours. She puts her trust completely in Jesus Christ, and so she trusts in the gifts he has given her, including her femininity. Therefore, she can be as strong as any man, without surrendering her womanhood.
The Power of Love: St. Julia of Corsica
The governor approached Julia directly, offering to free her if only she would sacrifice to the pagan gods. She answered that she was “as free as she desired to be as long as she was allowed to serve Jesus Christ.”
The Church’s First Decision: St. Matthias
The Church's First Decision The Church's first decision (of consequence, anyway) concerned the first successor to the Apostles. That would be the choice of today's saint, St. Matthias, whom the Apostles designated to take the vacant place of Judas among the twelve. How the Apostles came to their decision gives us an enlightening look at … Continue reading The Church’s First Decision: St. Matthias
Feed My Sheep: Love, Forgiveness, and Grace
God is always the initiator, inviting us to share His Grace. And He’s always willing to move a little closer, if it will bring us closer to Him . . . even to the point of becoming one of us.
Truth is “a Thing” – St. Athanasius in the 21st Century
The Church is supposed to be a Sign of Contradiction (Luke 2:34). If all she offers in the face of sin is a Nod and a Wink, however, what is she teaching? How is any distinction possible between her teaching and what the Conventional Wisdom has on offer? Do we not then give tacit assent?
The Lorica of St. Patrick Is As Timely As Ever
The Lorica of St. Patrick Christ with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me, Christ in me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me, Christ on my right, Christ on my left, Christ when I lie down, Christ when I sit down, Christ when I arise, Christ in the heart of every man who thinks of … Continue reading The Lorica of St. Patrick Is As Timely As Ever
What Do you say to a God who permits bone cancer in children? Ask Chiara Badano
This is the transformative power of faithful suffering. If we let him, Christ can transform our suffering into a powerful force for the good of our fellow men and women.
A Sin is a Sin: St. Thomas and Conscience
"What is truth?" I seem to remember someone raising the question somewhere. For the idealogue, "truth" is whatever promotes the ideology, and if it happens to correspond with reality that's fine; if it doesn't, no problem, we'll make something up. Followers of Him who is "The Way, The Truth, and The Life" (John 14:6) know better . . … Continue reading A Sin is a Sin: St. Thomas and Conscience