As Christians, we know that we are called to conform ourselves to the Truth, not to the impossible task of somehow conforming Divine Truth to ourselves.
A Loving Mother: Alma Redemptoris Mater
The Madonna of the Streets by Roberto Ferruzzi, 1897 Loving Mother of Our Redeemer Who doesn't want a loving mother? Or, if we need to win the favor of a powerful person (a King, for instance), how could we pass up the opportunity of having his Mother put in a good word for us? That's the dual … Continue reading A Loving Mother: Alma Redemptoris Mater
2nd Sunday of Advent: Lo, How A Rose
Root of Jesse 2nd Sunday
Mozart Makes The Gloria Soar
Angels Announcing the Birth of Christ to the Shepherds, by Govert Flinck, 1639 The Gloria The Gloria starts with "Glory to God in the highest . . ." If you frequent the Catholic Mass, you know this prayer. You've heard it hundreds of times, maybe thousands. But how much do you know about it? Or have you ever … Continue reading Mozart Makes The Gloria Soar
Sacred Music: Allegri’s Adoremus in Aeternum
Sacred music is a topic near and dear to my hear. More importantly, it is dear to the heart of the Church. Consider what the Second Vatican Council had to say . . .
Have a Blessed Easter! (Jesus Christ is Risen Today)
Christ is Risen, Alleluiah! Christ is Risen indeed. And what could be more fitting this day than the joyous Easter hymn, "Jesus Christ is Risen Today"? The video below features the amazing fresco of The Resurrection by Piero della Francesca. The Huddersfield Choral Society & Joseph Cullen provide the music. May the Lord bless you … Continue reading Have a Blessed Easter! (Jesus Christ is Risen Today)
Crucifixus Etiam Pro Nobis: Lotti’s Musical Meditation on the Crucifixion
The Crucifixion, by Giambattista Tiepolo & Giandomenico Tiepolo, 1745–50 Crucifixus etiam pro nobis sub Pontio Pilato: Passus, et sepultus est. (Nicene Creed) Crucifixus Etiam Pro Nobis Crucifixus etiam pro nobis: He was also crucified for us. That brief statement in the Nicene Creed refers to one of the two most important events of all … Continue reading Crucifixus Etiam Pro Nobis: Lotti’s Musical Meditation on the Crucifixion
Have Mercy – Lotti’s Miserere (Music for Lent)
Have mercy on me, O God,according to thy steadfast love;according to thy abundant mercyblot out my transgressions. (Psalm 51:1) Have Mercy And what transgressions they were! King David had used trickery and deceit to send Uriah the Hittite to his death. He had, in fact, murdered his loyal soldier in order to hide his own adultery. Tradition … Continue reading Have Mercy – Lotti’s Miserere (Music for Lent)
More Than a Building: A Church is Much, Much More
More Than a Building: Red Mass at the Basilica of St.s Peter and Paul, Lewiston, Maine ( Christ is Our Model in All Things In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God . . … Continue reading More Than a Building: A Church is Much, Much More
The Spirit of Lent: Two Choruses from Handel’s Messiah
The Spirit of Lent Surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; yet we esteemed him stricken, smitten by God, and afflicted. But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that made us whole, and with his stripes we are healed. (Isaiah 53:5-4) Capturing the … Continue reading The Spirit of Lent: Two Choruses from Handel’s Messiah