A Thorny Problem A thorny problem indeed. It’s so hard for us truly to accept that the Infinite God of the Universe could fully inhabit a human body, and be both True God and True Man. I was often reminded of just how thorny a problem this is for us when I used to … Continue reading A Thorny Problem: the Body and Blood of Christ
Mozart Makes The Gloria Soar
Angels Announcing the Birth of Christ to the Shepherds, by Govert Flinck, 1639 The Gloria The Gloria starts with "Glory to God in the highest . . ." If you frequent the Catholic Mass, you know this prayer. You've heard it hundreds of times, maybe thousands. But how much do you know about it? Or have you ever … Continue reading Mozart Makes The Gloria Soar
The Power of Love: St. Julia of Corsica
The governor approached Julia directly, offering to free her if only she would sacrifice to the pagan gods. She answered that she was “as free as she desired to be as long as she was allowed to serve Jesus Christ.”
Sacred Music: Allegri’s Adoremus in Aeternum
Sacred music is a topic near and dear to my hear. More importantly, it is dear to the heart of the Church. Consider what the Second Vatican Council had to say . . .
Feed My Sheep: Love, Forgiveness, and Grace
God is always the initiator, inviting us to share His Grace. And He’s always willing to move a little closer, if it will bring us closer to Him . . . even to the point of becoming one of us.
Have a Blessed Easter! (Jesus Christ is Risen Today)
Christ is Risen, Alleluiah! Christ is Risen indeed. And what could be more fitting this day than the joyous Easter hymn, "Jesus Christ is Risen Today"? The video below features the amazing fresco of The Resurrection by Piero della Francesca. The Huddersfield Choral Society & Joseph Cullen provide the music. May the Lord bless you … Continue reading Have a Blessed Easter! (Jesus Christ is Risen Today)
Body and Soul, or, When A Church Is Not A Church
We are body and soul. Human beings need material means to approach the immaterial God. The means need to be suited to the end, or we’re liable to go astray. For that reason, destroying the beauty and religious distinctiveness of our churches does real spiritual harm.
Have Mercy – Lotti’s Miserere (Music for Lent)
Have mercy on me, O God,according to thy steadfast love;according to thy abundant mercyblot out my transgressions. (Psalm 51:1) Have Mercy And what transgressions they were! King David had used trickery and deceit to send Uriah the Hittite to his death. He had, in fact, murdered his loyal soldier in order to hide his own adultery. Tradition … Continue reading Have Mercy – Lotti’s Miserere (Music for Lent)
This Is No Time to Despair
No Time to Despair This is no time to despair. Lord knows, it's a temptation. It's a great temptation. The last couple of years particularly have forced even the naive among us to face up to the corruption in our society. Government institutions and private institutions alike (and very often, in concert) have abandoned their … Continue reading This Is No Time to Despair
Gabriel’s Annunciation and Mary’s Renunciation
Gabriel's Annunciation and Mary's Renunciation Therefore the Lord himself will give you this sign:the virgin shall be with child, and bear a son,and shall name him Emmanuel,which means “God is with us!” (Isaiah 7:14) Gabriel's Annunciation There's something that doesn't seem to make sense at first in today's Gospel reading (Luke 1:26-38). Here's the … Continue reading Gabriel’s Annunciation and Mary’s Renunciation