Human Trafficking, Love & St. Vitalis 11 Jan 2023 1st century Roman mosaic; Kunsthistorisches Museum / Public Domain When a man dies, his life is revealed. Call no man happy before his death, for by how he ends a man is known. (Sirach 11:27-28) Human Trafficking Prostitution sometimes hides under the phrase "the world's oldest profession." … Continue reading Human Trafficking, Love & St. Vitalis
A Dynamic Trio: St. Augustine, St. Monica & St. Ambrose
St. Monica softened Augustine’s heart, and prepared the ground to receive the seeds of his conversion, but she herself was not able to plant those seeds: she could not convince her son to change his life.
A Prayer for Sufferers of Mental Illness on the Feast of St. Dymphna
During the summer when school is not in session I used to work in the garden center of a local retail store, which was a pleasant break from the rigors and stresses of the academic year. One afternoon I cashed out a very friendly older woman, but when I wished her a "good evening" she shook … Continue reading A Prayer for Sufferers of Mental Illness on the Feast of St. Dymphna