Forget the Tech Tyrants: Our Hope is in The Lord (One Year Later)

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Who’s really “politicizing” the Body of Christ?

   An unusual and unfamiliar expression, "Eucharistic Coherence", has been showing up on a lot of Catholic websites lately. I've written about the abuse of language on more than one occasion in the recent past (here and here, for instance), but this term is not itself abusive, rather it's intended to expose and correct abuse.  It refers … Continue reading Who’s really “politicizing” the Body of Christ?

What We Owe to Caesar

Deciding how to balance what we really owe to Caesar with what we owe to God is a perennial issue for a believing Christian.  In the age of Covid and related governmental tomfoolery that question has become, let us say, even more acute.  T

Welcome to Mission Territory

So, yes, by all means, let's keep fighting the political fight, but given the societal trends (and the Gallup data above is just the latest evidence), we can expect the political arena to become increasingly difficult. Long term we need to work on bringing our country back to Christ.