A Hymn For Holy Week: O Sacred Head Surrounded

   J.S. Bach's magnificent St. Matthew Passion is perhaps the most prominent musical composition that we associate with Lent. The most well-known part of the St. Matthew Passion itself is the "Passion Chorale", which  often appears a hymn called  "O Sacred Head Surrounded", or "O Sacred Head, Now Wounded."        What's not as well known is that Bach is … Continue reading A Hymn For Holy Week: O Sacred Head Surrounded

Music for Lent: J.S. Bach’s “Erbarme Dich” (from St. Matthew’s Passion)

Yesterday was the fifth Sunday of Lent, the beginning of Passiontide: the liturgical prayers and observances of the Church are building ever more urgently to the climax of the Triduum. Today's musical selection, my second-to-last Lenten music post, is from what is perhaps the greatest musical composition created for the penitential season, Johann Sebastian Bach's … Continue reading Music for Lent: J.S. Bach’s “Erbarme Dich” (from St. Matthew’s Passion)

Stabat Mater (Pergolesi)

    One of the greatest of Marian hymns is the Stabat Mater, written (most likely) in the 13th century.  It's authorship is unknown; it has been attributed to Pope Innocent III  (1160-1216) or, somewhat more plausibly, the Franciscan Jacopone di Todi (c.1230-1306), although both are doubtful.        The hymn itself begins with Mary at the scene of the Crucifixion: Stabat … Continue reading Stabat Mater (Pergolesi)

Music for the Presentation of Our Lord: Holst’s “Nunc Dimittis”

Since tomorrow is the Feast of the Presentation, Holst's "Nunc Dimittis" is an appropriate  selection for Music Monday, here with Caravaggio's powerful depiction of "The Presentation" as the backdrop .      "Nunc Dimittis" is the Latin name for the prayer the old man Simeon says when he picks up the Christ Child in the temple. It has … Continue reading Music for the Presentation of Our Lord: Holst’s “Nunc Dimittis”