Lover or Fighter? Well, which is he, lover or fighter? St. Nicholas has the distinction of being one of those saints whose name is known to just about everybody, inside and outside the Church. At the same time, few, at least in the west, know his actual story today. I first published a version … Continue reading Lover or Fighter? St. Nicholas of Myra
Legions of Angels, the Adulteress, and Christ’s Sacrifice
"Do you think that I cannot appeal to my Father, and he will at once send me more than twelve legions of angels? But how then should the scriptures be fulfilled, that it must be so?" (Matthew 46: 53-54) Legions of Angels Many Years ago I taught in a (more or less) Catholic high school. … Continue reading Legions of Angels, the Adulteress, and Christ’s Sacrifice
Evangelism, Free Will, and the Spiritual Works of Mercy
We live in strange times. Never in human history has it been possible for so many people to live lives so disconnected from reality. Former Nuncio to the United States Archbishop Carlo Vigano has just released a remarkable meditation for Lent which touches on that issue. He starts with a prayer from the Ambrosian Missal, which says … Continue reading Evangelism, Free Will, and the Spiritual Works of Mercy
Confession, Jonah, and the Prodigal’s Sons
I had never before considered how closely Jesus’ parable of the Prodigal Son parallels the last two chapters of the book of Jonah, but the comparison is striking. In the Old Testament book Jonah is sent to warn the people of Nineveh to repent their sins, or face the wrath of God. The Ninevites listen to the words of the prophet: like the Prodigal Son himself, they whole-heartedly repent, and in turn receive God's whole-hearted forgiveness. Who could object to that? As it turns out, Jonah could, and does, object . . .