"O Magnum Mysterium" - I've often thought that, however amazing it is that God could create this immeasurable universe, there's something much more astounding: He chose to become one of us . . .
Divine Patience: 2nd Sunday of Advent
Divine Patience: the Mass readings for the 2nd Sunday of Advent remind us that God is patient with us. Lord knows we need it.
Christ the King of the Universe . . . and of Our Hearts
Who would have guessed that despite the millions murdered and starved in the 20th century, and the manifest failure of every single attempt to invest god-like power into human governance, the totalitarian impulse would still hold such appeal, even growing appeal, in the third decade of the 21st century?
Greater Love: St. Maximilian Kolbe
Even more than his eloquence, however, or his ability to communicate the beauty of the Catholic Faith, St. Maximilian witnessed with his own life.
The Church Militant, Spiritual Warfare, and St. Equitius
The Church Militant The Church Militant means our Church, here and now. There’s a battle raging, and we’re all part of it, like it or not. The growing intensity of the Culture War that’s engulfing our society is just a surface manifestation. The real war has been underway since Satan was cast out of Heaven. In … Continue reading The Church Militant, Spiritual Warfare, and St. Equitius
God’s Strong Hand and The Presentation
God's Strong Hand 2 February 2023 The Presentation, by Hans Holbein the Elder. c. 1500 The Presentation Today in the secular world (at least in the United States) we observe the venerable tradition of Groundhog Day. This event involves allowing an earth-dwelling rodent to forecast our weather for the next few weeks. It's just a fun … Continue reading God’s Strong Hand and The Presentation
A Sin is a Sin: St. Thomas and Conscience
In other words, a sin is a sin is a sin, and whatever we may think, it’s still a sin. As Catholics, we have ample means of knowing the Moral Law, and therefore have no excuse for disobeying it.
The Baptism of the Lord: The Mission Begins
We welcomed our Lord at Christmas and now, as he takes up his mission, our mission is to follow him, that all righteousness may be fulfilled.
We Three Kings: Music for Epiphany
"We Three Kings of Orient Are . . ." Is there anyone out there who doesn't know this song? It's easily the most familiar hymn associated with Epiphany, at least as we celebrate the feast in the Western Church.
Epiphany – Faith vs. Power
We can learn a lot from the faith of the Magi. How often do we, who have the full revelation of Jesus Christ and his Gospel, instead seek our own worldly agenda, following the example of miserable King Herod?