Steyn, Spong, Kempton, and The Passion Of The Christ 2021

Where were you on February 25th, 2004?  Well, we might not remember the exact date, but most of us (except the youngsters) will remember the event.  On this date seventeen years ago Mel Gibson's The Passion of the Christ was released. That year Ash Wednesday fell on the 25th of February, and Gibson intentionally timed the release … Continue reading Steyn, Spong, Kempton, and The Passion Of The Christ 2021

What’s Up With Chocolate and Lent?

The last thing we need is conflicting messages, don't you think? Especially when it concerns the State of our Souls. Imagine my dismay, then, when I came across two different signs at two different churches telling me to do opposite things to observe Lent. . . . one tells me to give up chocolate, the other says the opposite. Well now, should I or shouldn't I?