Unfortunately, self-styled debunkers sometimes attack the Christmas Tree (erroneously) as a pagan intrusion. We Christians need not be swayed by such nonsense.
Christmas Bells – The Wrong Shall Fail, The Right Prevail: 11th Day of Christmas
As he himself struggles with profound sorrow in the midst of our most festive season, Longfellow juxtaposes the joyful ringing of bells in “The belfries of all Christendom” to the manifest lack of peace among men
Evermore and Evermore: “Of the Father’s Love Begotten.”
Sixty human generations or more have passed since Aurelius Prudentius first published hymn IX of his Liber Cathereminon. We still sing it today as the Christmas hymn "Of the Father's Love Begotten."
Epiphany – Faith vs. Power
We can learn a lot from the faith of the Magi. How often do we, who have the full revelation of Jesus Christ and his Gospel, instead seek our own worldly agenda, following the example of miserable King Herod?
2nd Day of Christmas – St. Stephen and the Incarnation
We need to embrace the Gospel in its entirety. The joy of the Nativity leads to the sorrow of Cavalry, which itself prepares the way for the still greater glory of Easter.