What that means for us is that our first and most important task is to be the best Catholic Christians we can be, before we ever cast a vote or sign a petition.
The Holy Family and the Crisis of Our Family: 5th Day of Christmas
The trends that already looked alarming a century ago have now grown and metastasized. Our great grandparents would not believe by what is now commonplace. The family as traditionally understood is tottering under open and sustained attack.
Merry Christmas (and Feast of St. Anastasia)!
St. Anastasia shares in the Incarnation by sharing her feast day with the commemoration of Christ's Nativity on the Solemnity of Christmas.
The Christmas Conversion of St. Thérèse
The Lord didn’t need to knock Thérèse down, beat her up, or have her shot in order to get her full attention. All he needed was to allow her to overhear a couple of stray comments from the father she loved so dearly.
Only in the Lord: St. Nicasius and Advent
St. Nicasius understood that human righteousness would overawe neither Huns nor Vandals. Instead, he put his trust in the Lord.
Christ is Coming! 1st Sunday of Advent
Christ is Coming Christ is coming! That, after all, is the theme of Advent (from Latin adventus, arrival). Today, the 1st Sunday in Advent, marks the beginning of a special penitential season. This time is set apart, hallowed, to prepare ourselves for the coming and arrival of Jesus. And we're not simply preparing for … Continue reading Christ is Coming! 1st Sunday of Advent
What We Wish for, or Christ the King
Even those of us who really believe that God is our king, however, sometimes look to political figures, or political programs (and there are plenty of those, even in the Church) to bring about salvation.
Legions of Angels, the Adulteress, and Christ’s Sacrifice
"Do you think that I cannot appeal to my Father, and he will at once send me more than twelve legions of angels? But how then should the scriptures be fulfilled, that it must be so?" (Matthew 46: 53-54) Legions of Angels Many Years ago I taught in a (more or less) Catholic high school. … Continue reading Legions of Angels, the Adulteress, and Christ’s Sacrifice
Have Mercy – Lotti’s Miserere (Music for Lent)
Have mercy on me, O God,according to thy steadfast love;according to thy abundant mercyblot out my transgressions. (Psalm 51:1) Have Mercy And what transgressions they were! King David had used trickery and deceit to send Uriah the Hittite to his death. He had, in fact, murdered his loyal soldier in order to hide his own adultery. Tradition … Continue reading Have Mercy – Lotti’s Miserere (Music for Lent)
A God of Both: Tough Love and Unconditional Love
Tough Love and Unconditional Love Then let us celebrate with a feast,because this son of mine was dead, and has come to life again;he was lost, and has been found.’ (Luke 15:23-24) The Prodigal Son Who hasn't heard, or at least heard of, Jesus' parable of the Prodigal Son? I've encountered people with no experience of … Continue reading A God of Both: Tough Love and Unconditional Love