Random Selection Favors Religion, or, What Would Darwin Do?

I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse; therefore choose life, that you and your descendants may live. (Deuteronomy 30:19) An Angry God Random selection appears to have doomed its most enthusiastic promoters to extinction.      I want to be clear that I am not taking issue in this post with the theory … Continue reading Random Selection Favors Religion, or, What Would Darwin Do?

Evangelism, Free Will, and the Spiritual Works of Mercy

   We live in strange times.  Never in human history has it been possible for so many people to live lives so disconnected from reality. Former Nuncio to the United States Archbishop Carlo Vigano has just released a remarkable meditation for Lent which touches on that issue.  He starts with a prayer from the Ambrosian Missal, which says … Continue reading Evangelism, Free Will, and the Spiritual Works of Mercy

Our Eternal Destiny: Armed Robbery, or A Warm Place By The Fire?

From the film Little Caesar, 1931 "It's like comparing cats and dogs."  Ever heard that expression before? Ever used it?  I did, several years ago.  I was teaching a 9th grade theology class in a (more or less) Catholic school, and same sex marriage (a hot topic at the time) came up for discussion.  I wanted to emphasize that … Continue reading Our Eternal Destiny: Armed Robbery, or A Warm Place By The Fire?

Aborigines, Atheists, and the Authenticity of the Gospels

    A few years ago I ran across an amazing story ("Ancient Sea Rise Tale Told Accurately For 10,000 Years") from Scientific American, detailing how aboriginal Australians have preserved, via oral tradition, accurate information about geographical features that have been underwater since the end of the last Ice Age, circa 10,000 years ago. The article is … Continue reading Aborigines, Atheists, and the Authenticity of the Gospels