Parker finds fault with both the Statists on the left and the Libertarians on the right who see the government per se as the issue, as if adding more government or radically cutting it will alone solve our social problems. No, “you can’t have a free society that is not also a virtuous society”
Persecution, Pentecost, and St. Julia of Corsica
Christ sent the Holy Spirit down on his Church at Pentecost, the Church against which, he had promised Peter, the "Gates of Hell" would not prevail (Matthew 16:17) . . . but he had also promised persecution (Matthew 5:11). The Persecution was not long in coming. The same Peter who boldly addresses the wondering crowds on Pentecost will soon be writing to the early Christians: In this you rejoice, though now for a little while you may have to suffer various trials, so that the genuineness of your faith, more precious than gold which though perishable is tested by fire, may redound to praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ. (1 Peter 1:6-7)
Music for the Easter Season: Pedro Camacho’s Te Deum
I have always appreciated the way the Te Deum does so much so succinctly. In just a few lines we are reminded of the sweep of Salvation History, the Communion of Saints, the Doctrine of the Trinity, the Mission of Jesus Christ from Bethlehem to the New Jerusalem, and all in the form of a joyful song of praise to our God.
Something Strange is Happening: Holy Saturday
The period between Death and Resurrection is one of stillness and waiting in our world, but Jesus doesn't rest . . .
Is it I, Lord? (Good Friday)
When Jesus says to them, "You will all fall away” (Matthew 26:31), he’s not speaking only to his Apostles, but to all of us who have been his disciples in the millennia since, as well as all those in the years to come.
Christ Came To Serve (Holy Thursday)
When he takes on the servile task of washing the Apostles’ feet, Jesus doesn’t simply speak but acts out his message, in the manner of an Old Testament prophet. He is showing the Apostles through his example that the purpose of their office is to serve, and not to exalt themselves.
“Let It Be Done To Me According To Thy Word” – The Annunciation and Us
I often used to admire a stained glass window that looks down on the altar in the cathedral where I used to attend Mass with my family. The scene in the window is the Annunciation. It depicts the young Mary, kneeling on the floor and surrounded by angels, while God the father looks down on her … Continue reading “Let It Be Done To Me According To Thy Word” – The Annunciation and Us
The Presentation, The Nativity, and The Passion of Our Lord
Today is the mid-point, the end of the beginning and the beginning of the end. Which is to say, today is the Feast of the Presentation, a perfect microcosm of both/and. The official Christmas Season ended a couple weeks ago on the Feast of the Baptism of Our Lord, but the Presentation of the baby Jesus in … Continue reading The Presentation, The Nativity, and The Passion of Our Lord