The Good News is good news indeed, but it is not quite a free pass. We have a part we need to play beyond simply waiting for our Savior. We need to keep our eye on the ball.
We Three Kings: Music for Epiphany
"We Three Kings of Orient Are . . ." Is there anyone out there who doesn't know this song? It's easily the most familiar hymn associated with Epiphany, at least as we celebrate the feast in the Western Church.
Epiphany – Faith vs. Power
We can learn a lot from the faith of the Magi. How often do we, who have the full revelation of Jesus Christ and his Gospel, instead seek our own worldly agenda, following the example of miserable King Herod?
The Scandal of Mary, Mother of God: 8th Day of Christmas
As Christians, we know that we are called to conform ourselves to the Truth, not to the impossible task of somehow conforming Divine Truth to ourselves.
7th Day of Christmas – Christmas is Just Beginning
Mystic Nativity, by Sandro Botticelli, 1500 Are You Sure It's Just Beginning? Just beginning? Does it seem like it's just beginning . . . ? Some images never fade. I have a vivid memory of a Christmas years ago, shortly after my return to the Faith. The Christmas tree was literally hurled through the front … Continue reading 7th Day of Christmas – Christmas is Just Beginning
2nd Day of Christmas – St. Stephen and the Incarnation
We need to embrace the Gospel in its entirety. The joy of the Nativity leads to the sorrow of Cavalry, which itself prepares the way for the still greater glory of Easter.
2nd Sunday of Advent: Lo, How A Rose
Root of Jesse 2nd Sunday
Reasons for the Season . . . of Advent (1st Sunday)
Mary, heavy with Child, and Joseph are just now leaving Nazareth; the Magi are still far from Bethlehem, doggedly following a strange star in the heavens. Only the still unsuspecting Herod is making merry. There is time yet, so let's make the most of it.
10th Day of Christmas: The Christ Child and St. Genevieve
Merry Christmas! Today is the 10th Day of Christmas, as we continue to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Creator as a little human child. It is helpful when we think about the meaning of the Nativity to remember that our ancestors generally did not fully share our sentimentality towards children.
7th Day of Christmas: What Exactly is The Christmas Season?
There are some people who don't see the point of all this complexity: why not just celebrate Christmas and be done with it? But the Liturgical Calendar is not just about commemorating past events: it's about experiencing the events of Salvation History in our own lives.