In the end, the glory of Christmas and the sword of Good Friday come together on Easter Sunday. Redemption comes only from the light shining through the darkness of suffering. We catch a glimpse of that Paradox of Pain in the Feast of Presentation.
Holst’s Nunc Dimittis: Music for the Presentation
Nunc Dimittis Nunc Dimittis is one of my favorite compositions by the early 20th century composer Gustav Holst. Since tomorrow is the Feast of the Presentation, this seems a fine time to share a video I put together a few years ago. It combines a mesmerizing performance of Holst's piece with Caravaggio's painting of the … Continue reading Holst’s Nunc Dimittis: Music for the Presentation
Christmas Continues: 6th Day of Christmas
Today is a Solemnity, in fact, Monday in the Octave of Christmas. Even if nobody else seems to notice, you have every reason to go about your business humming “Gloria in excelsis Deo!”
Keep Your Eye on the Ball: 3rd Sunday of Advent
The Good News is good news indeed, but it is not quite a free pass. We have a part we need to play beyond simply waiting for our Savior. We need to keep our eye on the ball.
What We Wish for, or Christ the King
Even those of us who really believe that God is our king, however, sometimes look to political figures, or political programs (and there are plenty of those, even in the Church) to bring about salvation.
Whose Standard? St. Ignatius Loyola
Like St. Paul, who told the Galatians he had been "Crucified with Christ," Ignatius lived two different lives. The crucible of pain and defeat transformed his life. A life of worldly ambition became a new life of sanctity and service.
The Midpoint Between The Nativity and The Passion
The Midpoint Today is the midpoint, the end of the beginning and the beginning of the end. Which is to say, today is the Feast of the Presentation, a perfect microcosm of both/and. The official Christmas Season ended a couple weeks ago on the Feast of the Baptism of Our Lord. The Presentation of the baby Jesus … Continue reading The Midpoint Between The Nativity and The Passion
Divine Patience: 2nd Sunday of Advent
Divine Patience: the Mass readings for the 2nd Sunday of Advent remind us that God is patient with us. Lord knows we need it.
Christ the King of the Universe . . . and of Our Hearts
Who would have guessed that despite the millions murdered and starved in the 20th century, and the manifest failure of every single attempt to invest god-like power into human governance, the totalitarian impulse would still hold such appeal, even growing appeal, in the third decade of the 21st century?
God’s Strong Hand and The Presentation
God's Strong Hand 2 February 2023 The Presentation, by Hans Holbein the Elder. c. 1500 The Presentation Today in the secular world (at least in the United States) we observe the venerable tradition of Groundhog Day. This event involves allowing an earth-dwelling rodent to forecast our weather for the next few weeks. It's just a fun … Continue reading God’s Strong Hand and The Presentation