A Smaller, Purer Church?

In reality, all Fr. Ratzinger was doing was looking at social trends, the "signs of the times" (see Matthew 16:3). He saw a society in which Christian belief was becoming less important with, as a consequence, progressively less social advantage to membership. As the advantage diminished and eventually disappeared, the less committed members would move out, and on to something else . . .

“Art” For A Degraded Age

Sure, this one piece of ugliness, which will probably soon come down anyway (the show of which it is a part is scheduled to close in a couple of weeks) is not the end of civilization as we have known it.  But it's not just one piece. It is one more piece, one more bit of degradation, pushing the boundaries of the acceptable just a little beyond the last thing that was "no big deal", one more step toward cultural oblivion.

Religion, Culture, & Politics: Which is the Foundation?

Religion, Culture, & Politics Religion, culture, and politics are all interrelated, but how? How important should politics be to a serious Christian? What is the importance of culture? I hit a bit of a hot button last week in my introductory post on this blog when I wrote: I promise to try not to get too … Continue reading Religion, Culture, & Politics: Which is the Foundation?

Crisis Magazine Has Homer’s Back

I'm just dropping a quick note to let you know about a great article by Paul Krause on the Crisis Magazine website called "Reclaiming Homer".  Krause shows that the underlying theme of Homer's Iliad is forgiveness, and demonstrates that, once again, the Cancel Warriors don't have a clue. Don't miss it.