My, but things have been interesting lately, haven't they? Not that interesting is good. The dust has not yet begun to settle from the Pope's assault on the Traditional Latin Mass in his motu proprio Traditionis Custodes, which was published last week. A large number of the most committed Catholics (and not just those who prefer the TLM) … Continue reading What does it mean to be a Successful Failure? (St. Bridget of Sweden)
A Hand Slap to the Traditional Latin Mass
Introibo ad altare Dei ad Deum qui laetificat iuventutem meam. "I will go up to the altar of God, to God who makes joyful my youth" - Psalm 43:4 There is a well-known story about Canute, King of England and much of Scandinavia in the 11th century, who wanted to illustrate insignificance of human authority: … Continue reading A Hand Slap to the Traditional Latin Mass
“Gloria” from Johann Baptist Wanhal’s Missa Solemnis
It's hard to overstate how much beautiful, excellent music has been created over the centuries, and how much of it is rarely heard by the vast majority of people. Last week I published a clip of a "Kyrie" composed by Johann Baptist Wanhal. Wanhal was an important and influential composer of the late 18th and early 19th … Continue reading “Gloria” from Johann Baptist Wanhal’s Missa Solemnis
Human Dignity and Death
Human Dignity Human dignity has fallen on hard times. Consider this. Suicide is a key image for our culture today. Our society is always looking for new ways to destroy itself. We seem intent on destroying our connections to our forebears, destroying their reputations and even tearing down their statues. Likewise, we reject the classic achievements in … Continue reading Human Dignity and Death
Music Monday: “Kyrie” From Wanhal’s Missa Pastoralis
One of the wonderful things about having a centuries-deep treasury of sacred music is that there's always more to discover. I was listening to a classical radio station the other day when I was in the car with one of my sons, when a beautiful but unfamiliar composition was playing. "There's a lot going on in … Continue reading Music Monday: “Kyrie” From Wanhal’s Missa Pastoralis
Appealing to the Supreme Judge of the World
This July 4th is the 245th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, which grounds the founding of the Unites States in a theological argument: . . . that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are Life, Liberty, and the … Continue reading Appealing to the Supreme Judge of the World
There Are No Dead Ends With God (St. Monegundis)
As for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today. (Genesis 50:20) There are no dead ends with God. Most of us are familiar with the story of Joseph in the Book of Genesis, how his … Continue reading There Are No Dead Ends With God (St. Monegundis)
Liturgy Wars: What’s Latin Got To Do With It?
Who would have expected the Glorified Body of Christ, the eternal perfected Body, to include the horrible wounds inflicted on the flesh-and-blood human body here on Earth?
Rossini-Agnus Dei (Petite Messe Solennelle)
Giaochino Rossini Giaochino Rossini was, in his time, considered the most successful composer of operas in history, creating such enduring favorites as The Barber of Seville, La Cenerentola, and William Tell. Then, having composed an astounding 39 operas before his 37th birthday in 1829, he simply stopped. For the rest of his life, until his … Continue reading Rossini-Agnus Dei (Petite Messe Solennelle)
Eucharistic Adoration: Sitting at the Feet of the Lord
Most of us can probably identify with Martha: always “worried about many things”, and too distracted to notice the Lord. Adoration is a great opportunity to give our “inner Martha” a rest and, like Mary, choose “the better part”. After all, what is Eucharistic Adoration, if not watching and listening at the feet of Jesus?