Merry Christmas! Today is the 10th Day of Christmas, as we continue to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Creator as a little human child. It is helpful when we think about the meaning of the Nativity to remember that our ancestors generally did not fully share our sentimentality towards children.
7th Day of Christmas: What Exactly is The Christmas Season?
There are some people who don't see the point of all this complexity: why not just celebrate Christmas and be done with it? But the Liturgical Calendar is not just about commemorating past events: it's about experiencing the events of Salvation History in our own lives.
The Paradox of Christmas and St. Thomas Becket: 5th Day of Christmas
Today, on the 5th Day of Christmas, we find ourselves celebrating yet another martyr, St. Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury, murdered by knights in the service of King Henry II of England on December 29th, 1170.
4th Day of Christmas: Holy Innocents and the Saving Power of Christmas Carols
Herod's worldly strength was no match for the might of the little baby born in Bethlehem. Likewise, the Holy Spirit working through sacred Christmas songs changed hearts that were not moved by human arguments.
The Beloved Disciple at the Foot of the Cross: 3rd Day of Christmas
John is beloved because he is a disciple who himself loves much - so much that he alone of the Apostles follows Christ all the way to Calvary and stands with the Blessed Mother and Mary Magdalene at the foot of the Cross. He is our model in loving discipleship.
2nd Day of Christmas: Feast of the Holy Family
And he went down with them and came to Nazareth, and was obedient to them; and his mother kept all these things in her heart. And Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature, and in favor with God and man. (Luke 2:51-52) St. Augustine addressed our Lord as "O Beauty ever ancient, ever new." We can … Continue reading 2nd Day of Christmas: Feast of the Holy Family
The Christmas Conversion of St. Thérèse
In the lives of the Saints we can find some amazing stories of conversion: the Risen Lord literally knocking his persecutor Saul to ground and blinding him, in order to raise him up as St. Paul; the rich and spoiled son of an Italian cloth merchant who needed a year in a dungeon as a … Continue reading The Christmas Conversion of St. Thérèse
The World Turned Upside Down, or, Cicero at the Gym
Of course, the current War on Christmas is itself simply one example among many, just one illustration of the sorry reality that we are now living in a Neo-pagan culture. Our society has largely abandoned God and Christianity, and given itself over to the indulgence of primal urges.
St. Catherine of Alexandria, Patroness of Modern Women
St. Catherine of Alexandria has a lot to say to such a world as ours. She puts her trust completely in Jesus Christ, and so she trusts in the gifts he has given her, including her femininity. Therefore, she can be as strong as any man, without surrendering her womanhood.
Christ is King of the Universe . . . and of Our Hearts
The End of History? Christ is King! How easily we forget . . . What a fool I was when the Berlin Wall fell forty years ago. I naively thought that the apotheosis of the state into totalitarian forms of government was fully and finally exposed. Everyone knew it was an inhuman, deadly fraud. In … Continue reading Christ is King of the Universe . . . and of Our Hearts